How to Lead from Your Center 

Lately, in my healing sessions, many clients have expressed feeling ready to lead from their Center: that part of them that is untouched by loss, fear, and wounds. Leading from your center is living life from joy, love, peace, and feeling connected to the Divine Feminine presence. 


Leading from your Center also means resting the nervous system. For generations, women have been taught to do more, be more, and push harder.  During these transitional times we are living in there is more room for new doorways to open and messages to live and lead from this beautiful Center inside of us all. 

This path of Centered Living unfolds by way of the body. Now, more than ever. It is crucial to find ways to ground and rest our nervous system to rewire generations of stress and intensity.  

Leading from our Center means deepening our relationship with the Earth like never before. Taking the time to touch your bare feet into the ground even for five minutes invites the Earth’s ions to generate more peace and relaxation into your body. 

Leading from our Center means deepening our relationship with other women. For generations, we have often led with scarcity, fear, and competition. This is a call for a deeper love, honoring and a knowing that there is more than enough of everything to go around.  We are all in the Center together.  

Leading from our Center means deepening our sacred relationship to our bodies and Spirit. Our bodies need to regenerate and remember that it is ok to trust and have fun and enjoy life again. Our nervous systems cannot be seen, but can be sensed as a friend and a joyful partner instead of exhausted and depleted. 

Finally, our connection to the magic of Spirit invites us to not only calm our bodies but envision a world for ourselves and others that feels like Heaven on Earth. This phrase has come up numerous times in my healing sessions with clients. 

Heaven on Earth is the invitation to lead from your Center: receive and give love, experience the magic and gifts of this life, and grow a new body built on a nervous system that is wired towards calm and rest. 

Are you ready to live Heaven on Earth? 


It’s Time To Stop Reacting And Start Responding To Shootings!


Journey into the Divine Direction of Your Heart