Transform Your Midlife Crisis Into An Afternoon of Life Awakening

Crisis comes from the Greek word meaning, “decision,” and when you arrive at one of these crossroads, you have a decision to make.


  • Suffering a shattered heart amidst one of the many losses life presents to us?

  • Struggling within the loneliness and uncertainty of your marriage?

  • Longing for deeper intimacy in your relationships?

  • Enduring the overwhelm of a divorce, and the uncertainty of rebuilding your life?

  • Seeking deeper meaning and definite direction amidst a midlife crisis?

  • Feeling burnt out in your profession and longing to live your true calling?

  • Facing the unknown of the empty nest, the uncertainty of who you are, unable to imagine who you will become?

  • Trying to reinvent yourself in retirement, yearning for re-inspirement?

  • Tired of merely surviving, ready to move forward in your life as you learn to thrive, not in spite of the Crisis Crossroads, rather, because of it?


If you answered yes to any one of these, then you are at what I call, “the crisis crossroads,” and the crisis crossroads doesn’t have to be scary, leave you overwhelmed, lost or in fear. After all, the word crisis comes from Greek word meaning, “decision,” and when you arrive at one of these crossroads, you have a decision to make.

Will you react or will you respond?

That’s it. That’s the choice. Will you react which might mean taking flight, or coming out fighting or freezing in your tracks? Or will you get soul centered, conscious and clear, as you stop reacting to your circumstances and start responding to your hopes, your dreams, and to your life?

If you are ready to stop reacting and start responding, then you are ready for Choose Your Own Way!

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.”

-Dr. Viktor Frankl

Welcome To Choose Your Own Way

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I’m Baruch HaLevi…

I have guided thousands of people through every type of Crisis Crossroads, and all of Life’s T’s in the Afternoon of Life. I have also navigated many of them myself. This program is a response to these experiences, what my client’s needed at their crossroads, and what I wish I had access to when facing my own.

Choose Your Own Way synthesizes my passions and expertise in the areas of: Logotherapy (meaning-centered psychotherapy founded by Dr. Viktor Frankl), Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), the Enneagram (an ancient personality instrument and energy assessment tool) Eastern Meditation, and Mindfulness Practice & Motivational Coaching Tools. It is simply the best principles and practices I have discovered along my way, and I am proud to be able to offer them to you in this clear, concise and impactful program. 

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Here’s How It Works

The Choose Your Own Way program is a 21-day multimedia program, broken down into 5 clear steps, each delivered straight to your email inbox. 

Every fourth day you will receive one of the steps’ respective materials consisting of an introductory video for that particular step, together with three shorter videos, each with an optional exercise to help you experience and integrate the material. All of these videos are short, sweet, and to the point, providing you the necessary insights and tools to begin to find your way forward through whatever crossroads you are facing.

“Approaching 70, I found myself feeling like I was at a turning point in my life, but I was stuck in my existential angst for purpose and meaning and just couldn’t find my way out. This program empowered me to clearly move forward in my life. These lessons brought into focus what was important for me to learn and understand right now. Choose Your Own Way has filled my mind and touched my soul.”

— Janice L.

Choose Your Own Way hasbeen transformational for me at my Crisis Crossroads, coming along at exactly the right time. It gave me the time I needed and just the right amount of motivation and direction to help me move forward in my life.

— Scott S.

Choose Your Own Way is a program to…

  • Calm You...

    Calming you during a chaotic time, giving you the space you need to get centered and clear. Once you find your inner peace, you will be able to move forward into the unknown more confidently and effectively.

  • Empower You...

    Empowering you with new tools to navigate this crossroads, giving you the strength to handle whatever circumstances come your way. You have what you need inside you. It’s time to take your power back.

  • Guide You...

    Guiding you forward through your crossroads, consciously choosing how you want to respond to your circumstances and proceed in the direction you choose to go in your life.

Here are the types of exercises you’ll explore to empower you in choosing your own way…

  • Write Your Own Way

    Writing exercises to help you find your way forward through the power of the pen (and you are encouraged not to type, but to go old school and use paper and pen).

  • Breathe Your Own Way

    Breathing, mindfulness and meditation practices to help you get into the deeper layers of your emotions and feel your way forward through the power of attention and the breath.

  • Live Your Own Way

    Tools and resources providing you the opportunity to embody your intentions, enact your truth and live your highest self during your day and within your life.

Here’s What You’ll Explore


Step 1

Choose To Make Your Stand

In this first step you will make the choice to do this work, move forward in your life, and resolve to see it through. Upon completing this step you can expect…

  • To feel calm and centered, gaining new tools to help you return to your center whenever you feel overwhelmed, uncertain or in despair

  • To have a renewed sense of hope that you are not alone, not selfish for doing this work, and that there is a pathway forward for you to discover meaning and live your purpose

  • To have a deeper understanding of who you are and how you show up through utilizing the Enneagram and mindfulness practice


Step 2

Choose To Feel Your Crossroads

In this second step, you will get honest about what you are facing and feeling, allowing yourself to be authentic and real. Upon completing this step you can expect…

  • To experience a sense of relief that only comes when you are honest about your emotions and real about how you feel

  • To be done with feeling guilt, regret, or shame about who you are, what you have or haven’t done, and where you are or are not in your life

  • To feel energized and inspired as you learn to harness your thoughts and emotions in service of your journey, taking you in the direction of your dreams and desires


Step 3

Choose The True You

In this step, you will go inwards and remember who you are, what you are made of and the truth that was, is, and will always be you. Upon completing this step you can expect…

  • To feel a sense of certainty and conviction that comes when you remember the truth about who you are and what you are – learning to let go of your false self and live your True Self

  • To experience a sense of relief and completion that comes when you realize – you have enough, you are enough and everything you need is inside of you

  • To feel the liberation that comes when you stop living by old goals, rules and other people’s expectations, coming out to the world as the authentic, True You


Step 4

Choose To Transcend Your Self

In this step, you will transcend yourself through remembering what motivates you, whom you serve and why you are here. Upon completing this step you can expect…

  • To feel the connection and motivation that comes when you deepen your relationships, honor your commitments and transform your responsibilities into your response-ability

  • To experience the awe that comes when you transcend your self, realizing your service to the world is the pathway to living Your Soul Purpose

  • To finally feel the joy and love that comes when we not only serve through giving but equally through receiving others fully and completely


Step 5

Choose To Own Your Power

In this fifth and final step, you will learn to take back your power from whatever crossroads you are facing, circumstances you are surviving, or however powerless you might feel in the Afternoon of Life. Upon completing this step you can expect…

  • To feel empowered as you take back the reins of your life; stop reacting and start responding to your life

  • To experience the freedom that comes when we no longer live in reaction, no longer feel like victims of circumstance

  • To live more fully and fiercely as you own your authentic power – the power to choose your own path, your own destiny, your own way!

“I highly encourage you to purchase and utilize Choose Your Own Way. When you do, I’m certain of this: it will help you realize something more in your life, and lead you back to the center of your life, to your soul, the starting point of any journey no matter what crossroads you are facing. .

— Barb H.

“Although I now work with Baruch individually, I needed a stepping stone before I was ready to commit. Choose Your Own Way was that step and it gave me so much clarity and purpose in dealing with my divorce and moving on with my life. I highly recommend it for whatever you are going through. You will be grateful you made this investment”

— Samantha R.


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This program has been distilled over twenty years, culled from the experience of thousands of individuals navigating their own journey, and utilized in my own life, time and again. Although there are no shortcuts or sure things to get you through the wilderness, you are not alone, and certainly not without a compass. This program will be your companion at whatever crossroads you are facing and within you is the compass you need to find your way through. It’s time to discover it, follow it, and live it. 

May you discover deeper meaning, authentic purpose, and your true self on the journey through your wilderness. 

Now, let’s get going. It’s time to choose your own way!

Rabbi Dr. Baruch HaLevi

Co-Founder of Soul Centered & Your Guide Through The Crisis Crossroads