Sacred Center Circle

Imagine gathering together in a
Circle with Women that support you.

Imagine allowing this experience to help you to heal and reconnect to your own Sacred Center: that Spirit within your heart that is untouched by past wounds, societal expectations, or your own previous lifetimes (or even those of your ancestors).

This is what the Sacred Center Circle is all about.

Steeped in ritual and guided by Ariela’s channeling from the Divine Feminine and her Guides (alongside your own team of loving supporters), this Sacred Center Circle is an intimate gathering that occurs twice per month for ninety minutes each session. Together you will follow the Seven Directions of the ancient Wisdom Wheel as your guide to living the path of the Divine Feminine, deeply rooted in your Sacred Center.

If the masculine drive to be everything to everyone, to push yourself until you are exhausted, sick, depleted, and angry feels outdated to you, if it sometimes even makes you want to run away and hide, then you have a Knowing that the Cycle of the Masculine is coming to a close. Our work together in the Sacred Center Circle will ready you to embrace your role at this particularly intense and important time on Earth.

You know that there is a New Earth waiting to emerge.

And you know that you are here to usher Her in.

The Wisdom Wheel

The Wisdom Wheel is a Native American map, a tool for energy healing and transformations stirred by Mother Earth and the Divine Feminine. When mixed with your own energy, this tool will support you to rediscover your Sacred Center. The Wisdom Wheel provides us as women with a clear path of choosing our own destiny, healing our old, outdated ways of being in the world, and feeling liberated from our genetic legacy.

In ancient times, Medicine Women would come together to gather information from the quantum field, from Mother Earth, and from Spirit herself to heal and learn to live in Right Relationship with their souls. And now, in more modern times, we shall do the same.

Let’s take a look at how we will use the Wisdom Wheel to guide our work together:

Wisdom of the South

Dive into the mysterious depths of Mother Earth and begin to shed the limited ideas about yourself, your identity, and how that has been shaped by family legacy. Step into new skin, your authentic voice, and remember your strength within.

Wisdom of the West

Begin to know the Divine Feminine and the love She has for you. Discover the love of such power that you feel supported and held, your fears melt, new potential seeds germinate, and true love blossoms. Learn that love is everywhere, expressing itself over and over again.

Wisdom of the North

Discover the harmonious dance between the

quiet voice within you and the Divine Feminine. Learn to sit quietly with yourself to become the witness to all that arises within the silent, small spaces, in between the noise. We discover that in our quest to heal, connect, and love, the most important action for us to take might be simply to quiet our restless minds.

Wisdom of the East

The Medicine of the East is one of vision. Here is the remembering that, with an Eagle eye, we can soar above our problems and remain open to the possibilities and gifts that life has to offer. From this vantage point, we can create our Heaven on Earth: a new vision and new reality of living through the ways of the Divine Feminine.

Mother Earth

The downward direction represents

Mother Earth and our connection to Her, along with our connection to the soil itself. We learn that our Mother, the Earth, is always there supporting us. In this direction, we realize we have the opportunity for growth and we remember that we are always safe.

The Divine Feminine

This upward direction represents the Divine Feminine and your Higher Self. Looking in this direction, you recognize that you are part of the Circle of Life, the intersection of eternity. This is where you learn to become who you are and give of yourself from this place. This is also the place

of deep daily connection to the Divine Feminine.

Your Sacred Center

The Center of the Circle is you. It’s where you realize that you are in the locus of control. You can shed everything others have told you. You stop looking to other people to tell you what to do and listen to your own body and inner wisdom. You focus on being who you are with authenticity. Feeling yourself in the Center of the Circle can be tremendously transformational because you can look to all other directions and honor all emotions fearlessly.

If you hear Spirit beckoning you to courageously release the intensity of the Masculine way of doing and being, and to instead step forward and live from and within the
Divine Feminine, then this Sacred Center Circle is for you.

We will meet for 90 minutes, twice per month, from 6:00 - 7:30 PM MT

  • September 12th & 19th

  • October 10th & 24th

  • November 14th & 28

  • Bonus: December 12th

Only $275/month

We cannot wait to get started.

Upon signing up, you will be automatically charged each month for a total of three installments.

Have further questions? Email